Époisse de Bourgogne, named for the village in Cote-d'Or where it is made in France, is one of those quintessential French cheeses whose presence on the cheeseboard makes itself known long before one sets eyes upon it. Yes, it smells, but as is often said "Get over it!" because once you do, you will discover a cheese that beneath its reddy-orange rind is decadently creamy. Spoon it onto a hearty bread or for a really French approach, serve it as the dessert course with raisin bread and toast to life with a glass of Burgundy wine "Santé"!
Époisse is made in a very complicated process, the cows must have grazed on the grasses in the meadows of Burgundy for 3 months. Once the cheese is formed, it undergoes a complicated series of washes with salt water, rain water and finally Marc de Bourgogne (a local spirit) two or three times a week until it is ready. It is an AOC protected cheese which means that all the time-honoured preparations must be followed in order to be called "Époisse". This was a favorite cheese of Napoleon and Brillat-Savarin (the original "foodie" of the 1700's whose book "Physiologie du Gout", 1825 set the stage for the appreciation of the meal. He is remembered for his famous quote "Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are.") And it can be a favorite of your's too as it is in stock at "C'est Cheese Please!"
There are a lot of new and old favorites that are here waiting for the chance to thrill you. Cendrillon, the 2009 World Champion from Québec, Cendré du Lune (Triple Cream with an ash coating), Paillot de Chèvre, Comté along many other goodies are here in the display cases. And be sure to print off the coupon that was in last week's edition for $2 off your purchase of $15 or more - good until July 31st!
Bon Appetit!
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