Thursday, March 4, 2010

Bursting With Pride!

Weren't the 2010 Winter Olympics fantabulous? I'm going through withdrawal this week - for the 14 days, I was riveted to the TV watching all kinds of sports that I have no idea where people do them but what an experience. I do want to remember Nadar Kumariashivili who died trying to achieve his Olympic moment and express the deep sorrow that I think we all feel regarding that tragedy. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family.

Pictured today is Niagara Gold, a cheese from Upper Canada Cheese Company in Jordan Station. I thought that it would be a great idea to celebrate that Canada is Number One in gold medals won at the Olympics and to honour all our atheletes for their efforts which made us all so proud by enjoying some Niagara Gold - 10% off until March 11th!

Upper Canada Cheese uses the milk from the only Guernsey herd in Ontario. So, you ask, what's that got to do with anything? Well, the Guernsey's don't produce large quantities of milk so if one is running a dairy farm, you are more interested in the big milkers, the Holstein's and Jersey's, so poor Guernsey is overlooked except that for cheese lover's, the milk from the Guernsey is very high in beta carotene which gives the cheese a beautiful golden colour and is very rich in butterfat thus making a cheese that is delicious. The Comfort family has been farming in the Niagara area for 5 generations and are dedicated to the land and to maintaning the herd. During the summer months, their herd enjoy the plentiful grass on the farm and in the winter are fed haylage and grain supplements that are grown on the farm.

The Cheesemakers at Upper Canada have developed Niagara Gold, a washed rind cheese that is a mellow, buttery cheese with a lightly nutty overtone. Like the washed rind cheeses, this cheese develops its flavours with aging becoming more pungent (a nice way of saying smelly!) and piquant over time

I should mention that Upper Canada also produces a camembert- style cheese with the Guernsey milk called Comfort Cream. This is a decadently creamy, gooey indulgence. New to the Upper Canada repetoire is "Guernsey Girl" which can be fried or grilled (like the Greek Saganaki - the "Opa" cheese) without loosing its shape. All of these are in stock at "C'est Cheese Please!" and if you are interested in trying Guernsey Girl, inquire about the recipes that are available.

Bon Appetit!

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